Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Color of Fall

Today I slept in until 10AM. Extraordinary. Although I did stay up to watch Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live. I love the rap Amy did....too funny. Although Sarah Pallin seemed to be ok with people making fun of her, that doesn't sweeten the deal for the Republican ticket, it still stinks no matter how much freshener you spray on it. OBAMA/BIDEN 2009!

I decided to take it easy on myself today. Yesterday I had a great run with none other than Struth E. Moore. My leg still bothers me from time to time, left over from the injury just before Boston Marathon. Yesterday I had some tugs while running so today I just went for a long walk with Struth along Lake Washington. I took my camera because fall is here and the leaves are changing colors and falling from the trees. The colors of fall are so unique. They are unreproducible outside of nature. That is one of the reasons why fall is like a holiday. The chance to see these colors comes only once a year. So today, I put aside any ambitions I had to go inside a gym and spent the time outside in the fall air enjoying the day with my babe Struth.

I came across this column with a message....."Let Go".
I decided this was a message for me to let go of things I am housing that do not serve me in a positive way. So I started to think of all these draining things one by one and one by one, I let them go. I started off with a quick list and then spent time thinking about the less obvious drainers and eventually let them go too. I almost blew away with the gentle breeze I was so light. Good thing friend Matt called and joined me for the latter half of the walk as he keep me from flying away.

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